The Project
Problems & Solutions
Play Testing
Competitor Analysis
Potential Growth Areas

The Project
Chess Openings Memory Game is the first ever memory game that introduces and teaches chess openings. It is a game that brings together memory skills and chess knowledge. Created by a chess enthusiast during his pursuit for better and more interesting ways to improve his chess skills. Featuring 12 essential chess openings and a detailed booklet. Offical Website:
My Initial role for Chess Openings was project management, setting benchmark goals within an acceptable timeline. Additional responsibilities included launching and managing a successful Kickstarter campaign and a establishing B2B vendor relationships and online sale channels. This case study is specific to my involvement of the product redesign.

Product box design doesn’t clearly inform customers what the game is about and what’s in the box. Additionally, online retailers seem to struggle with how to classify this product on their websites. Is it a study guide? Is it a game? There currently aren’t other similar products on the market. The creative approach to this game concept creates a challenge for marketing the product and allowing consumers fully understand its value.
Approach this redesign using User-centered design principals and UX methodologies. Although this is a physical game & booklet, the design process still is applicable to achieve a more focused and understandable product for potential customers and chess retail businesses.

Play Testing Research

We play tested the game al local chess clubs with chess kids of various ages. We introduced the game to chess instructors for feedback.
Questions asked:
- First impression of the game, what do you think it’s about?
- Are the instructions clear and concise?
- How much would you be willing to pay for a game like this?
- What is the age range of the chess students you mentor?
- Suggestions on improvements to the game play?
- What do you think of the quality of the game materials (box, tiles, booklet)?
- What do you think of the visual design of the game (the illustrations, the chessboard & pieces)?
Key Insights
- Although the main function of the game is to be played in a classic memory matching style, we found kids got really excited about an alternative “speed matching” style. Having multiple ways to play the game opens the door to more versatility and attracting customers.
- There’s opportunity to expand this concept to go beyond the theme of “chess openings” to broader chess moves and concepts. This would appeal to beginners who want to practice the basics first before stepping into the more specific study of chess openings. Since a lot of kids practice chess, this approach makes sense to target a larger audience.
- Game play seems to be geared for upper elementary students and up.
- Quality of the game materials and visual design scored high in all categories. People seemed impressed with the level of professional calibre of the product.
- Parents estimate they would spend upwards of $20/game, but wouldn’t go too much beyond that price point.

Competitor Analysis

We looked in person and online at a range of small specialty chess shops and larger big box chain stores check out their inventory. We visited local chess tournaments and seeing what vendors are selling. Asking the questions…Is there anything like this on the market?
Key Insights
- Vendors at tournaments sell chess related apparel, stickers, books, chess pieces and boards, key chains & accessories.
- While the cover of chess studying merchandise (such as books, pamphlets) Might seem colorful and interesting, the inside content tends to be black and white with limited engaging graphics. Chess books are not creative, and have limited visuals besides overhead views of chess board moves.
- Games like “No Stress Chess” offer a generalized broader learning of the game of chess for beginners.
- Chess Openings Memory game is more specific in the learning it’s offering. There doesn’t seem to be any equivalent product.

Personas & Target Audience


Key Insights
- The game box packaging needs a clearer message to inform potential customers of the unique benefits of the game. Parents want to know right off the bat what the product is about. They are the main customers buying this for their kids.
- More emphasis on the value of what’s in the box. There’s a game AND a very entertaining and informative study guide/guide booklet.
- Use buzz words that resonate like “visual learning” & “creative”
- Target audience is not beginner chess players.
- Need to add in the booklet the revised gameplay guidelines to include “speed playing” or “Flash Playing” style.

Redesign & Implementation

Potential Growth Areas & Take Aways
Key Insights
- Creating another version of this game with a more generalized chess stragegies as the cards.
- Expanding to sell merchandise using the exisiting artwork of the game.
- Expanding to sell merchandise in areas where there seems to be lack of representation. (example: merch for girls in chess, girl color themed chess related products)
- Find a cheaper printer for the game for any future printing to increase profit margins.